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We endeavor to focus on innovative strategies for creating awareness using online Nutrition Education Programs (e-NEP) which will promote Nutrition, Health and Hygiene with a focus on the importance of vitamin and mineral rich leafy vegetables from community based nutri-garden/microgreens to overcome the urgent need of micronutrients to combat malnutrition and anaemia among beneficiaries by using a WEBGIS platform.


Focus on school children, the community of their parents and adults. This can be extended to Government and Non-Government Agencies involved with the vulnerable groups like as well as pregnant, lactating mothers and anemic adolescents and women of reproductive age.

School children

We aim to create a platform for peer-learning where the school students become the nutri-leaders within their households. As trained Nutri-educators they will ensure and monitor the participation of their classmates. Using this platform, all the school students will be enrolled in an interactive e-Nutrition Education Programs (e-NEP) to improve their own health and nutritional status and bring a change in their household eating behavior.

Nutri Graden(Poshan Vatika)

Nutri-Leaders from the school will be educated in these concepts of nutri-gardening, microgreens cultivation, nutrition, health and hygiene. To put their nutrition in practice, the school will provide a designated area for development of micronutrient rich nutria-garden/microgreens.

Beneficiaries of Government and Non-Government Agencies:

The focus will be on providing adequate e NEP to “Trainers’ such as field health workers, Anganwadi workers Auxiliary nurse midwife who reach out to all vulnerable population within the community. The beneficiaries would include SAM/MAM children, pregnant women, lactating mothers and adolescent girls. With the help of this platform, we aim to train the trainers and directly impact the beneficiaries, who will have direct and quick access to the e- NEP where their queries and feedback. This will enable to the “Trainers” to guide and monitor the health and nutritional status of the beneficiaries.